Dr. Lawyer? What the HELL is a Dr. Lawyer? I've often asked myself this question, laying in bed awake, between ostrich-themed night terrors (a grand story for another time). I'd ask "Who is this elusive and handsome Dr. Lawyer? And why does this name continue to PURGE my mind?"
Well, wouldn't you know it, just the other night while I was thinking about this, a man passed by my third-floor window. A man who I didn't know or recognize, but for some reason I just knew deep inside he was both a doctor and a lawyer.
Then it hit me! We never finished the third episode of Dr. Lawyer! Well, right away, I faxed a very rude letter to my good friend and Dr. Lawyer animator IDontKnowCorp, who responded with some ridiculous claim that he sent me the file to upload years ago. I don't know what any of that nonsense was about, but on an unrelated note I found a file called "Dr Lawyer 3 upload to NG" on my desktop. Hopefully that'll be a good enough substitute for whatever stupid thing you guys wanted.
Finally, after seven years, you can watch the stunning conclusion to Dr. Lawyer here: